<aside> ⌨️ Let’s get you started with learning about the XRP ledger. If you want to go even deeper after watching the videos, visit Quick Links.


How we suggest learning about the technical aspects of the XRP ledger:

  1. Review the training video series below
  2. Explore XRPL.org and the documentation below
  3. Check out the discord, community projects, and search the web for more content

Training Video Series

These short videos are a great way to get started learning about the XRP ledger! While you watch them, take note of any questions you have as we will have sessions to answer them all. You could also ask them in the #campus-ambassador channel on Discord.

1. Intro to the XRP Ledger

What is the XRP Ledger? In this video series, learn about the key concepts of the XRP Ledger – a decentralized, permissionless, open-source blockchain that anybody can contribute to, develop on, and transact on.


2. The Consensus Mechanism

With a decentralized ledger, there’s no single, central arbiter that confirms transactions. But there does need to be a method to ensure that all network participants execute transactions correctly and consistently.


3. Nodes and Validators

On the XRP Ledger, there’s a peer-to-peer network of independent nodes that processes transactions and maintains the shared state of the ledger. If you want to submit transactions, read ledger data, or otherwise participate in the network, then your application will connect to a NODE on this network.


4. Accounts

To make a transaction on the ledger – which means to send, receive, or place an offer to exchange money or other forms of value - an ACCOUNT is needed. These are also sometimes called wallets.
